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Toy Story 3 gets amazing reviews

It’s very early to guage the full reaction to Toy Story 3, as it’s not out yet, but our friends over at have seen the film and posted a rather good Grade A- review over at their site. Read on…

Halleluiah! A part three that doesn’t suck. While its too early for me to say whether or not Toy Story 3 is as good as part one and two (I’d like to see it a couple more times first–Imax 3D, here I come), I can wholeheartedly say that this is a great film. Perhaps the most ingenious aspect of Toy Story 3 is that it doesn’t feel stale. Three chapters in, we know these toys all too well, but director Lee Unkrich and writer Michael Arndt have come up with an imaginative way to bring the majority of these beloved characters back (without giving too much away, the plot is set into motion when Andy decides its time to head off to college).

The film is released on June 18 in the US.

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