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Ranking the best Zack Snyder films

Zack Snyder has managed to provide film enthusiasts with several films and whilst he may not be everybody’s favorite, the movie director does have the ability to create some rather top titles.

Indeed, he has been criticized by some for struggling to find the right balance whilst there are others that have praised him because he has implemented his own style and looked to push boundaries with the creations he produces.

With several films to have been released over the years, though, which of his movies can be ranked highly? This article will look at some of those that can be considered some of his best work:

Army of the Dead

Snyder may be used to working in Hollywood, however streaming giants Netflix gave him the opportunity for him to use their platform to provide fans with some more of his top work and he used it effectively by creating “Army of the Dead”.

Having used Las Vegas as his setting for the movie, the film was shot at Showboat Atlantic City. Of course, the city in Nevada is known for its impressive casinos but with punters now able to experience authentic gaming sessions via the use of live dealer games, it was still impossible to shoot in the gambling capital of the world as the location is busy all-year-around.

“Army of the Dead” is an entertaining film that is based on a zombie plague and provides some quality action, even if it can be confusing in places.

Dawn of the Dead

There is no denying that “Dawn of the Dead” was a huge success and, arguably, has gone on to become the most popular title to have ever been created by Snyder.

It was his debut film, which perhaps set a bar that was extremely high to maintain but given that he managed to combine horror with action expertly well, many have loved it ever since.

It perhaps helped that he had an all-star cast, but there is no taking away from what the director had managed to achieve, either.


“300” is arguably one of the best titles that Snyder has ever managed to produce, with the movie going on to be a Hollywood blockbuster when it was launched and remains a popular choice for fanatics.

Of course, many will remember it for some of the iconic quotes and moments that were provided, including the “THIS IS SPARTA!” exclamation by Gerard Butler, who portrays King Leonidas, as he kicked a messenger down the bottomless pit after receiving a message.

Let’s not forget the amount of violence produced and the CGI technology used, either, as this left a lasting impression for many across the industry and movie enthusiasts.

Man of Steel

If you do not feel “300” is his best work, then perhaps “Man of Steel” will be considered the best film that Snyder has ever managed to produce?

This film is based on the early days of Superman, where people will learn about Kal-El and his origins, whilst also finding out a little more about the persona of Clark Kent at the same time. In typical fashion, there are a couple of confusing moments, with the names mentioned above all being the same individual.

Nonetheless, Snyder arguably made this film a little more relatable as he managed to provide an element of reality to the story; something many loved and found that this installment made things a little different compared to previous releases.

Final Thoughts

As we mentioned at the beginning, Snyder is not a movie director that will appeal to everyone, however there is no denying that he has been able to create several exceptional films over the years. The four mentioned must be considered to be amongst his best, though.


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