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‘Life After Fighting’ review: Dir. Bren Foster (2024)

Life After Fighting is an Australian indie action film written, directed, choreographed, produced by, and starring Bren Foster. Whilst that could seem like a recipe for disaster taking on so many important roles, Foster absolutely knocks it out of the park.

Life After Fighting takes the often used revenge plot of many a DTV action film and then really goes for it. As a retired competitive fighter now running a martial art school, Foster’s character Alex finds himself unwittingly involved in a child trafficking ring after the daughter and friend of his receptionist (and cousin’s wife) are kidnapped outside the school. Anyone who criticises action films for being all fight scenes and no substance should appreciate the character development and down-right hard to watch scenes as this narrative develops. But rest assured, for those who aren’t so worried about the story, and are instead there for the nitty gritty stabby showdown, will not be disappointed either.

It may take a while to get there, but by the time Life After Fighting reaches its third act the real crazy begins; you have a reason to be feeling for these characters. Whether you are rooting for them to beat the crap out of each other or to survive. But let’s just take another moment to talk about the knock-it-out-of-the-park, balls to the wall final 40 minutes or so. It is incredible. I can not emphasise this enough. It plays a little like a oner with barely any time to breathe in between each of the phenomenal fight sequences. And remember, the majority of this is hand-to-hand combat too, there are barely any firearms used and the weapons which do come into play are expertly handled. 

Foster, like many of the best action stars right now, is a student of martial art and his training, knowledge and discipline shine through. I was only left with one question – where the hell has Bren Foster been all my life and (okay so that’s two) when is he going to play one half of an awesome crime fighting duo with the incomparable Scott Adkins? 

Life After Fighting

Janine Pipe

Life After Fighting


Actor turned director Bren Foster bursts onto the scene with Life After Fighting, a blistering revenge thriller with one heck of a final act. 


Life After Fighting is available on digital platforms now.


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