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The new Robocop is cancelled

A new movie featuring the classic character from the 1980’s, Robocop, has been cancelled, according to Moviehole.

The film was recently put on hold due to the backer MGM’s financial problems. Now it looks like the final nail has been put in the Robocop remake’s coffin. Requiem For A Dream helmer Darren Aronofsky was set to step behind the camera for the remake.

An insider told Moviehole:

”[RoboCop is] gone. Kaput. Cancelled. It was one of the first casualties. [Aronofsky] has lost interest anyway, I believe. [I] think we’re all just going to have to be happy with the three RoboCop movies that are out there.”

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Leonardo

    Sep 22, 2010 at 3:05 pm

    Please MGM don’t cancel this movie. Robocop is a great franchise! Aronofsky is not the best person to direct this movie.
    The correct director for this movie is:
    Christopher Nolan
    This movie is a fiction/police and censure must be 18 years old.
    Please, listen to me!

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