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So, Did Chris Nolan And Warner Brothers Change Bane’s Voice For The Dark Knight Rises?

So, by now most of us have managed to get on out to see THE DARK KNIGHT RISES. Right? What did we think? Balls to the wall amazing I’m sure you’ll agree. Well, I’ve seen it twice now and even on the second viewing I’m not sure what the heck Bane said in some of the scenes in which he was featured (not that we cared). After leaving the cinema yesterday, I thought back to that original footage we saw at the IMAX that we saw at the tail end of last year, and just how inaudible Tom Hardy’s voice was.

Warner Brothers said at the time: “Chris wants the audience to catch up and participate rather than push everything at them. He doesn’t dumb things down. You’ve got to pedal faster to keep up.”

Whatever, but did they or the filmmakers change anything? Well, some fan, who has much too much time, and indeed one hell of an (illegally smuggled) sound recorder on his hands, has compared that sequence to the final product. I’ll let you be the judge of what follows… It’s quite interesting.

Also, in related TDKR sound news, here’s a nice ten minute video from Vimeo from the SOundWorks collection where Bane’s voice is discussed, along with other stuff, with with composer Hans Zimmer and supervising sound editor and designer Richard King. This is brilliant.



  1. Dan Bullock

    Aug 1, 2012 at 8:46 pm

    For the prologue, it’s undoubted as I saw that back in December and it was unclear. Then, in the film, it’s omnipresent!

    However, I bloody loved the re-work, a villain to go down in film history.

  2. Chris Wharfe

    Aug 1, 2012 at 11:04 pm

    I hadn’t realised till this just how much it had changed. It’s undoubtedly an improvement – with a couple of exceptions; namely “with no survivors”, which sounded a lot more menacing the first time round.

    I too loved his voice though, and definitely agree with your sentiments Dan!

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