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Film Posters

2 New Posters For ‘Life Of Pi’ Including UK & International

We’ve seen all kinds of posters for Ang Lee’s LIFE OF PI by now, from an awesome mosaic Portugese poster, to a tiger centred one, and the image that has been used to really promote the film. Now we have a new UK poster that shows the calm nature of Pi (Suraj Sharma) and the potential ferocity he is up against in the tiger called Richard Parker. I love the continuous use of these gold, yellow, and oranges, creating a soothing and dreamlike quality.The release date has also been moved up a day for a Thursday release.

The international poster on the other hand gives the impression of a far more awesome film about a giant tiger that lives in the sea and pursues a young boy on a lifeboat. That’s my kind of film.

LIFE OF PI tells the story of Pi, a boy trapped on a lifeboat with a number of animals. The film sees an older Pi recounting his experiences to an author. Based on the phenomenal book by Yann Martel, this is set to be one of the films of the year, or maybe even of the decade.

LIFE OF PI is released 20th December 2012. It stars Suraj Sharma, Rafe Spall, Irrfan Khan, and Gérard Depardieu.

Source: Empire

Luke likes many things, films and penguins being among them. He's loved films since the age of 9, when STARGATE and BATMAN FOREVER changed the landscape of modern cinema as we know it. His love of film extends to all aspects of his life, with trips abroad being planned around film locations and only buying products featured in Will Smith movies. His favourite films include SEVEN SAMURAI, PASSION OF JOAN OF ARC, IN BRUGES, LONE STAR, GODZILLA, and a thousand others.

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