All posts tagged "con air"
Film Reviews
/ 12 years agoStolen Review
Director: Simon West. Starring: Nicolas Cage, Josh Lucas, Malin Akerman, Danny Huston, M.C. Gainey, Sami Gayle. Certificate: 15. Running Time: 96 minutes....
Film News
/ 12 years agoWill Sofia Vergara Be Starring With Jason Statham In ‘Heat’ Remake?
Another Hollywood remake I hear you cry? Could MODERN FAMILY’s Sofia Vergara help cushion that blow? It looks like Vergara is...
Film Trailers
/ 12 years agoUK Trailer & Quad For Nic Cage’s ‘Stolen’
The last time we saw Nicolas Cage and director Simon West working together, we got the brilliant OTT actionfest CON AIR....
Film Trailers
/ 12 years agoTrailer For John Cusack In ‘The Numbers Station’
Those huge name blockbusters may be very exciting, but we expect them and their massive marketing campaigns. Well, here’s a trailer...
Home Entertainment
/ 12 years agoThe Expendables 2 DVD Review
Director: Simon West Starring: Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Bruce Willis, Dolph Lundgren, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Chuck Norris, Jet Li, Randy Couture, Nan...
Film News
/ 12 years agoNic Cage Makes Expendables 3 A Movie To Get Excited About!
Some might call THE EXPENDABLES 3 an inevitable sequel, but others (like myself) consider it one of the most unnecessary films...
Film News
/ 12 years agoSimon West & Jason Statham Re-Team On ‘Heat’ Remake!
Before film fans everywhere have heart attacks, this project is not a remake of Michael Mann’s outstanding 1995 crime-noir starring Al...
Film News
/ 12 years agoNic Cage To Go Ex-Con & Indie For David Gordon Green’s ‘Joe’
Nicolas Cage is undoubtably a brilliant talent – hell, he has a bloody Oscar! However, lately his flashes of brilliance are...
Film Trailers
/ 13 years agoInternational Trailer For Nic Cage In ‘Stolen’
When Nicolas Cage does a bad film, we get suicidal thoughts. THE WICKER MAN and GHOST RIDER: SPIRIT OF VENGEANCE drove...
Film News
/ 13 years agoStallone & Statham Swing In With A Clip From Expendables 2!
Glimpses of THE EXPENDABLES 2 content seems to have dried up of late, possibly frightened off by the likes of upcoming blockbusters,...