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New Year Gift guide: 5 inventive board games for movie lovers

Board games are coming back in style. But aren’t you tired of playing the same old Scrabble or Cluedo? Then it’s time to go for something different on game night. And the good news is, there are plenty of movie-themed board games to relive your favourite films or test your knowledge as a cinema-lover. So, if you’d like to buy the Death Star or put yourself in the shoes of a scheming Disney villain, here comes the next round of our New Year Gift Guide. Clear some space in your new year’s resolutions to for these 5 exciting board games for movie buffs.

Credit: Cinephile Game’s press kit


When it comes to movie trivia, Cinephile is the whole package. This card-based party game comprises five games in one, sorted into three gradual levels of difficulty. So, whether you’re playing with film nerds or novices, everyone can join in on the fun. Better yet, you can remix the rules as you like, or even create your own set of rules to spice up the experience. And if you come up with your own variation, why not share it on the game’s website?

Die Hard: The Nakatomi Plaza Heist

Yippie ki yay Die Hard lovers! This one-versus-many game is as faithful as it gets to its source material. To save all the hostages, one player takes on the role of John McClane. The others cooperate as Hans Gruber’s allies to foil the hero’s plan. 

So, if you’re into call-backs to the movie’s iconic scenes and one-liners, this board game is the ultimate gift for fans of the ultimate Christmas movie. Because Die Hard is a Christmas movie, without question. And if anyone dares say otherwise, just make your point with a Die Hard-themed festive t-shirt. 

Disney Villainous

Are you sick of princesses and heroes living happily ever after? With Disney Villainous, you finally get to turn the tables and be a baddie. You can either poison Snow-White as the Evil Queen, kill Peter Pan as Captain Hook or defeat King Triton as Ursula.

Indeed, each character has a unique goal and gets its exclusive mini-board, deck of cards, and diverging winning conditions. But the fun part is that players can still cancel each other’s efforts and hurl setbacks at their opponents. So, with six distinct characters and gameplays in the original game, Villainous has great replayability value. And the gift keeps on giving with four expansions to date, plus a Marvel edition.


In the summer of 1975, danger is lurking off Amity Island. And in this stylish adaptation of Steven Spielberg’s masterpiece, you can relive the thrill with up to four players. In Jaws, one player poses as the killer shark. The others join forces to pinpoint the shark’s location and save swimmers. In the second act, the team needs to survive an attack on their boat.

The game is divided, indeed, into two phases. Therefore, both the Amity Island and the Orca phases play out on a double-sided board that faithfully replicates the movie’s atmosphere. With its cool design, Jaws is not only a nice throwback to the 70s. Its gameplay will also keep you on the edge of your seat, as the game relies on surprise attacks and hidden movement. 


The Monopoly does not get old. Still, this iconic board game shakes up the formula with movie-themed variations. From Ghostbusters to Star Wars and Avengers, just take your pick! And if you’re playing with kids, you can also go for Frozen or Toy Story. A specialty Monopoly is a perfect way to go back to a timeless classic on your next family reunion, only with a fresh take. 

The Monopoly even boasts an online version you can play on your desktop or even on mobile. But if you ever grow tired of playing with fake bills, why not hit the jackpot at an online casino? Some online casinos welcome you with special promotions, such as no deposit bonuses. These bonuses allow you to try your luck at several games before wagering. Therefore, you can claim wins without even committing any money. Plus, no deposit bonuses are a great way to get familiar with new games, including some good old Monopoly slots. 

Are you looking for a fun time with your fellow movie buffs? This Christmas, ask Santa for a movie-themed board game!


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